Fallout 1 & 2 on Windows 7 x64?


First time out of the vault
Does anybody know some possible techniques for getting Fallout and Windows 7 x64 to play nice? Every time I try to load the game I get this bizarre color palette issue.

I've searched the web and found some solutions but it was all very muddled. So i figured NMA would be the place to look.

I looked through the download files here but didn't find anything.

I did a search and didn't see anything

Any solutions?

First time on the forum but I have been a frequent visitor of the site before. Hopefully we can figure this out so people can enjoy fallout on windows 7
Right click on the Desktop, select "Screen Resolution", select "Advanced Settings", click the color management tab then hit the "Color Management" button.

Hope this works, it did for me at least.
Am I supposed to do something in there? i opened it and then tried to open the game. It still did the crazy color thing. Any other ideas? or did I just do that one wrong? I saw somethings about using a batch file to close explorer temporarily but that the instructions were not very good and confusing. Anybody know anything about that?
You don't have to do anything in there, you just have to open that up and then start the game. This doesn't work for everyone though but it is how I got Fallout working. Fallout 2 can be fixed through the in-game menu.
I don't know if you solved this or not, but I figured out that the advice I gave you probably won't work. Try just going to screen resolution, then launching the game. If that doesn't work, click screen resolution then advanced settings and launch the game. One of these should have made the color issue go away, it does for a lot of people.