fallout 1 and 2 Don’t work


First time out of the vault
yesterday they workt But today i get the error: fallout needs 20 megabyte free hard disk space to run.
That is a little strange since i got 30 gigabytes free space. Plus all my other games runs like normal

has anyone had the same problem

PS i got xp
I got the same problem man, no idea what's causing it. I'm working on it now, and I'll let you know what happens.
Hey guy's, I've had the same problem and found out some things. See post by vyvvex. Also try scaning your hard drive for any Trojan viruses or viruses that attach to exe. Those lil' buggers love to play with your head. I usually leave norton off b/cs it screws with so many programs but every now and then it pays to give your comp a good scanning.