Fallout 1 ending sound issues with winxp


First time out of the vault
Been trying to find an answer to this all day. I played all through fallout on my windows xp machine (p3 1400MHz, Radeon 7500) with only a few minor crashes. However, when I get to the ending, the bit that tells you the consequences of your actions does a wierd thing. The game just cycles quickly through all the ending pictures, and the only sound is a brief *click* just after a new picture fades in. It's like it's cutting off the sound just as it begins and moving on to the next pic. I read the xp guide and ran everything in compatability mode etc., and everything else works fine(movies, sfx). I think the same thing might be happening in the game over screen(is it supposed to say something there?) as the image of my sun bleached skeleton skips on and off the screen very quickly. It's like a mischievous ghost was clicking the mouse through the good stuff. Any takers? Oh btw my sound card is a creative sb live! if that's any help.

Try putting your 3d graphics acceleration and sound acceleration both to "no acceleration" in DXDiag. Go to Run, enter DXDiag, go to both the graphics and sound tabs when DXDiag fully loads, and then adjust them accordingly. This seems to fix 99% of the end/movie problems for both Fallout games.
Thanks, that's fixed the fallout 1 ending :)
Unfortunately, the death screen in fallout 2 cuts the sound still.. It worked the first time I died, no it gets as far as "you have.." then cuts out? Any other ideas?