Fallout 1 Graphics


First time out of the vault
Maybe stupid question but ... what do you think, how much 3D editing was involved in fallout graphics creation? Was it only talking heads and items, some other details, or every tile in game was prerendered. I'm just curious, cause some stuff looks like just a bunch of textures skewed in photoshop and edited a bit but I may be wrong.
Vault 69er said:
Aren't the talking heads digitised puppets?
That talking heads were created as clay-models, yes. As well as several other art assets, such as Deathclaws.
Wow, so you're saying that they just photographed clay models to make animation sprites for talking heads and creatures?

Power armor head must have been made in 3D program right? What about buildings etc.? 3D or 2D?
Kujo said:
Wow, so you're saying that they just photographed clay models to make animation sprites for talking heads and creatures?
No, that's what they made the inital models in. They then transferred that to PC. I'm not sure *how* they did that, though.

Kujo said:
Power armor head must have been made in 3D program right? What about buildings etc.? 3D or 2D?
We don't know for every little graphic asset. The Power Armor featured in the movies and the menu background was 3D at least.
Most of the character models (or maybe even all) were modeled by T-Ray in an ancient 3D modelling program, then transformed into 2D. I can't find the thread one of the devs mentioned it, though.