Fallout 1 keyboard/screenshot problem


First time out of the vault
I've been having problems with trying to get FO1/2/T playing on my computer again after a couple of years. My problem starts at the VERY beginning of the game (and anytime after that technically) with using my keyboard and trying to type a name into the character name field. As soon as I hit a key, I hear several beeping noises at 1 second intervals and no letters are seen in the field. I notice, that I have a HUGE amount of screenshots and can only assume that the beeping is a screenshot affirmation.

I've tried using the TMX patches and no patches at all, but everytime I go to hit a key throughout the game, it just auto-screenshots the heck out of me.

The problem happens with Fo2 as well but not Tactics.

I am running Windows 7, on a 2010 Alienware Mx15.

Any help would be VERY much appreciated as I would love to get back into these games.
Small update.

When I take a character and play the game, anytime I type a letter on my keyboard I get the "Saved Screenshot" message in green in the messages area on the bottom left.
Okay, so more research into this provides that this has happened atleast 2 other documented times. Both times with no fix. It seems to be prevalent with Fallout 1/2 and Alienware laptops.

I'm not tech oriented by a long shot... Does anyone have any ideas of getting these games to run?
Possibly disabling my F12 key specifically? Or a keyboard update? Just to start the game and save 1 character, I racked up 742 screenshots which significantly slowed my game down....

Anyway to disable screenshots?

Again, thanks for the support.
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Weird issue. I suppose it is possible to play Fallout 1 and 2 without ever pressing any keys. You'll just have to live with your character being known as "NONE".
Have you tried the Hi-Res patch?
Yea, I downloaded that and later Fallout FIXT. Also used a save game editor to give my character and save files a name..
I'll just have to play the game at 7 screenshots a second.
Hey hey, disabled UAC and it seems to have helped. Could have sworn I did that earlier.... oh well.
I see. Yeah, installing Fallout 1/2 to the default Program Files or other protected folders will lead to all kinds of issues on modern Windows systems. It's generally a good idea to install it somewhere else.