Fallout 1 name question

It is Fallout Tactics. Roshambo.

or at least, I never heard anything of the sort with Fallout 1. Fallout 2 has that encounter with Spammer and the mob but no name.
Well, it has Chris Avellone the bounty hunter. I think he's on the followers map? I heard he comes after you when you're a childkiller, but have never confirmed.
Yeah, heard of that too. But get a childkiller rep just to get him to appear is too much for me. So I never have that happened.
Supposedly present in both F1 and F2. Again: no confirm~
Oh, I was talking about this guy:
He's always there on that map.
Not only when you're a Childkiller.

Also, from Per's guide:
If you're a Childkiller you'll probably run into Avellone the bounty hunter on the world map, whereupon he tries to kill you. This can happen everywhere and the chance is 50% each time there is an encounter, less if you have the Ranger perk. He and his crew will have slightly different equipment compared to the Boneyard map; most notably, there is no Rocket Launcher. If you leave the encounter without having killed Avellone you'll encounter him again with an identical posse on the world map or in the Boneyard, no matter if you killed any of the thugs. Players with the European version of the game don't miss much as they get to meet the merry gang in the Boneyard as usual.
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