Fallout 1 on Android


First time out of the vault

For quite some time there have been videos popping up on the web of people who managed to boot their Fallout 1 into Android but it is too slow for them to really play it.

Here is my situation....The most recent aDosbox should be able to play Fallout 1 at full speed. I have gotten Daggerfall, Duke Nuke Em 3D and a few other more demanding games to run at or near full speed

The newest version of adosbox for Android also has a decent mouse emulation which should make Fallout's controls no problem

I have followed several guides on how to get Fallout 1 to boot on Windows xp and have managed to get it running no problem.

However on my phone I seem to be SOL

The game boots to the loading screen just fine but as soon as the game wants to play sound it makes some popping noise and the screen just turns black.

I saw in a few guides some people mentioned that when running the game in Dosbox you may need to autodetect the sound settings before the sound will load by loading sound.exe in dosbox. I have SEVERAL sources for Fallout 1 and have not found a sound.exe file or even a setup or install exe file that will load in Dosbox.

If anyone can help I would appreciate it. Once I have this up and running I hope to work with the dev to make Fallout 1 on Android with a touch screen a reality :)
I don't think this is in the right topic but I'll answer, I'm downloading the new version of adosbox (didn't know it existed) and will test it.. what's your CPU speed? mine is 600 MHZ that will determine the speed of the emulation..
Also what do you mean when you say you got fallout to boot on windows xp? windows XP cannot be installed throught dosbox because windows XP is NT based not DOS based.

EDIT : Can't get through the initial please wait screen, and some low demanding games run slow (like X-Com Terror from the Deep). Don't know if you tinkered with the dosbox.conf
Maybe the CPU cycle setting is not automatic but fixed.
Try CTRL+F12, that should increase the amount of CPU cycles used for Dosbox.
Fallout is a Pentium game, maybe you should try to set the CPU in the Dosbox conf to Pentium.
Also, Dosbox is a very demanding emulator. I'm not sure if an Android phone has enough power to emulate a Pentium 90Mhz CPU and everything else.
According to the system requirements of Dosbox, 600Mhz are just enough for the emulation of a 386.

try installing dosbox on Your pc. make a full installation (required to make a disk drive of abnormal size in dosbox by using the: freesize parameter) use install.exe from cd instead of setup.exe

post installation You'll se a note that only parameter to run fallout is FALL and to enter sound settings is: SOUND
(install makes the nesecary .bat files for that)

copy everything to the aDosbox's folder on microSDcard

just make sure that the config file for the aDosbox has sound hardware emulation enabled, then startup aDosbox type : SOUND
configure all. then exit the config and type : FALL to start Fallout.

recent version of aDosbox 0.2.5 *HAS* virtual keyboard support

only thing left is Your device's RAM and CPU

as Hassknecht mentioned 600MHz won't do but there are much better devices with android nowadays.

i'd like to know if somebody tried it on a stronger device like 1,2GHz like Samsung Galaxy S2 or anything better in terms of CPU

oh yeah don't forget that Fallout needs at least 16MB of RAM so configure Your aDosbox to 16MB or more otherwise it will not even load. oh yeah machine to run it must be set eighter "svga_s3" or "vesa_nolfb" or "vesa_oldvbe" otherwise it will not start

got to this thread via google but after sniffing around the category thread and reading the stickys i've removed all the additional info about mods from my post, sice site officials take their jobs pretty seriously 'round here.