Fallout 1 on iPad mini


First time out of the vault
Hi! i'm new to this board and i'm not quite sure where to ask this question. Anyway, i got fallout 1 running on iDos 2.0.1/DOSPad Beta 1.98b using an ipad mini with retina on ios 7.0.4. Its playable but a bit laggy. I'd like to ask if anybody know a good setting to make it run smoothly or faster? btw, i think settings for dosbox would also help as they are basically the same. I already tried different combinations of settings i got off google. this is my current settings:[dosbox]machine=vgamemsize=512aspect=false[render]frameskip=1aspect=false[cpu]core=dynamiccputype=autocycles=max[sblaster]#sbtype=none[speaker]pcspeaker=falsepcrate=22050tandy=offdisney=false[midi]mpu401=nonemididevice=coremidimidiconfig=[gus]gus=false[dos]xms=falseems=falseumb=false[joystick]joysticktype=2axis[gamepad.keybinding]button0=CTRL,CTRLbutton1=ALT,ALTbutton2=SPC,SPACEbutton3=ENTR,ENTERbutton4=ESC,ESCbutton5=F1,F1
@gustarballs1983 Weren't you trying DOS settings recently? Any ideas? -- correct Sduibek although i don't think ipad mini has the muscle power to play fallout smoothly and @RolandDeschain79 is a lot better in setting all the configurations in dosbox. Though I can go over few pointers on how to improove the dosbox code here it goes: [dosbox]machine=vgamemsize=128aspect=false[render]frameskip=1aspect=false[cpu]core=dynamiccputype=autocycles=max[sblaster]#sbtype=none[speaker]pcspeaker=falsepcrate=22050tandy=offdisney=false[midi]mpu401=nonemididevice=nonemidiconfig=[gus]gus=false[dos]xms=falseems=falseumb=false[joystick]joysticktype=none[gamepad.keybinding]button0=CTRL,CTRLbutton1=ALT,ALTbutton2=SPC,SPACEb utton3=ENTR,ENTERbutton4=ESC,ESCbutton5=F1,F1 pretty simple though some devices like midi or joysitck are not used they are still emulated so setting them (mididevice= joystick= ) to none removes those devices from emulation. although remember that for more or less smooth emulation You'd require 1,4GHz quadcore device or nvidia tegra 3 if two cores are considered. memsize=512 is an overkill most dosboxes cant go over 32MB so a slick value of 128MB is enaugh not that the DOS can suppor more :p besides this must be based off a really old dosbox version. Fallout requires VESA compatibility so at least svga_s3 should be in place only dosbox version prior to 0.73 had svga_s3 defaulted to vga. Anyways for example android has a neat feature to force 2D rendering on the GPU that helps a lot in terms of smoothnes but drains battery much quicker, check if You have similar option in Your apple device. I think that's it if it will not run smooth enaugh for You and I'm 90% sure it will not, than Your device is not powerfull enaugh to run fallout smoothly i'm sorry but that is the case today for most of the mobile devices anyway. As for me trying new configs on dosbox I'm doing it on PC currently as I also do not have a powerfull enaugh mobile device to run Fallout smoothly. although I've seen on many videos that it is posible to run it smooth on some devices such as new asus transformer... that's about it
Gus T.
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