Fallout 1 on Mac OS X Leopard?


First time out of the vault
Hello all. I'm trying to play Fallout 1 on my Intel Mac running OS X Leopard and it's not going well. There are zero resources as far as tech support goes. My documentation says to check the MacPlay website for patch updates, but they don't even have Fallout listed as a supported title, so I'm assuming they stopped support years ago. Basically, the program starts and runs, but the graphics are completely corrupted. The whole viewable screen is compressed into the left half of my monitor, and all the colors are in negative, so it looks like one big pink and purple mess of pixels. I can barely make out buttons and the general layout of the screen, and when I click stuff, the menus advance, which leads me to believe that this COULD be playable, if only this graphics issue could be cleared up. The version I'm running was ported to OS X by the Omni Group, but perhaps it doesn't work in Leopard? Are there some graphics settings that I should try to make this possible to play? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I run FO on a mac and there's no
patches or updates available that
i know of.

F02 works ok, but you cant use
most of the good mods, such as
killaps restoration or megamod
(though we're working on that one)

Im going to install XP under bootcamp
and i'd reccomend you do the same!
I use Parallels and WinXP when I play F1&F2 with my MacBook. Parallels is a program which can run other OSes in virtual machines. No need to reboot to run WinXP.

The only problem I have is that Fallout uses 100% CPU, which make the MacBook very hot after a while. My solution to that is to use a windows program called BES. With BES you can limit how much CPU% a program is allowed to use.

Parallels Desktop: http://www.parallels.com/en/download/desktop/
BES: http://mion.faireal.net/BES/