Fallout 1: peaceful cathedral lair?


First time out of the vault
Been several years since I last played. Is sneaking or killing your only options down in the Cathedral Lair? There are named mobs down there, and I enjoy Speech challenges. But it would seem that whether or not I'm in disguise, attempting to parley ends in combat. I guess all the named mutants, scientists, followers etc are just there for flavor?
You can go through the Cathedral without getting into combat, but I'm pretty sure you need to have no followers at all and be wearing robes. You might also need the badges, if nothing else because they also work as keys to some locked doors I think, and you might get into trouble if you're caught lockpicking.
You will probably also get attacked if you're holding a weapon of some kind.
Or maybe you're just picking the wrong dialogue options?
I dunno...
I think Nightkin are also very trigger happy, so you may need to stealth past those.
oh, and I think the follower thing includes The Followers, not just dogmeat, tycho and so on.
when you first enter the cathedral the guy in the corner, you can ask him to talk to whose in charge. he'll give you a coc badge. use that to pass the nightkin. go to the very top floor talk to whats-his-name and tell him you have an offer. tell him you come from a vault. after that its a simple matter of convincing the master his mutants are sterile.
when you first enter the cathedral the guy in the corner, you can ask him to talk to whose in charge. he'll give you a coc badge. use that to pass the nightkin. go to the very top floor talk to whats-his-name and tell him you have an offer. tell him you come from a vault. after that its a simple matter of convincing the master his mutants are sterile.
Uh, ok.
Then walk around and take your time talking to all people! Oh wait their heads all exploded and there's a nuke about to go off right under you.
Yeah I was mainly referring to a few scattered, named Nightkin (and perhaps a Child or two?) in the lair. Even disguised and unaccompanied, they will just attack on sight. I guess they just named one or two of them for flavor. I always assume named mobs or npcs can be parleyed with, but that just isn't always the case in this game. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just somewhat inconsistent. You can talk to the scientists or the Psykers, for example, but not much else. Ya never know until you try, and then you might get gatling'd into pieces. Reload!