Fallout 1 .pro item editing: Strange results


First time out of the vault
I'm attempting to make a personal modification to Fallout's consumable items.

Basically, I want every consumable to do "something" useful in the game.

I also want to eliminate the potential for addiction, and negative side effects for any drugs.

This modification of mine will encourage the usage of them.

However. I'm getting some strange errors when using my own customized item prototypes.

For example, when I use my own customized item prototype for buffout. Even though the stat alterations are virtually the same as the default buffout (minus the intermittent -4 stat reduction during the mid-time cycle).

For some reason when I use MY personal modified version of buffout. It confers the initial bonus, and then after a few hours, continues to increase the stat until it's max'ed out at 10. Even though once the long-time cycle begins the stat bonuses -should- be rescinded.

This happens with everything I create.

I am just wondering if any of you fallout 1 modders have encountered this strange occurrence.
Stats are not automatically returned to their original values. Chems and such simply have up to 3 effects, which occur at specified times. Buffout gives +2 ST, a few hours later -4 ST, and finally +2 ST, which sums to 0 and so has no permanent effect on the stat. Removing the -4 ST change will make the player end up gaining 4 ST. If you want a stat to go back to its original value, you have to explicitly make it do so. In the case of buffout, the first effect should be +2 ST, the second -2 ST, and no third effect.
Yes, sadly I know this.

currently the stat modification scheme for buffout is

immediate = 3 mid-time = 0 long-time = -3

This SHOULD return me back to the original strength statistic as it was, however that is simply not happening.

Instead the stats are increasing and never reverting, which as far as I understand they -should-.

All I've done is get rid of the -4 stat penalty. So that after you've reaped the benefits of the increased strength over time, you simply revert back to your original stats.

and I say again, this is not happening, which has me totally stumped.
I'm a whiz with protos. Send it to the mail mentioned in the F2WR thread and i'll take a look at it, see if there's anything funky.
I'd appreciate the help.

If it's not the prototype.

I'm wondering if it might be the version of Fallout 1 that I'm currently running which is 1.3. As I understand it's an unofficial, community release.