Fallout 1 problems this time.


First time out of the vault

I'm running XP, with 512 RAM, blah blah.. Direct X 8. Fallout 1 version...er..whatever the newest patch is on the interplay site. 1.2? I dunno..

I did the stuff for the humongous install for XP and all that jibba jabba, and I run it in 98/ME compatability mode. Game starts just fine, can make characters, see movies, hear sound, all that..

Starts the 'game' part of the game, and I go to fight a rat, right? I kill the first one. Go to the next one, it hits me once and I 'dodge' it and then kill that one, go to the third, and that one manages to do damage..GAME CRASH BOOM ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO RAT.

Somehow I don't think the game is *that* hardcore that its supposed to crash whenever you take damage :P Any suggested fixes?
that's right, i only deal with big-time do-gooders, like that Arrogorn of Arroyo. piss me off, and i'll have my evil Naz-ghouls drag you to their secret HQ in Minas Mor-Ghoul and turn you into a desperate shadow that will hopelessly wander the dark wastes of Geckgoroth plateau. :twisted:
Velger said:
I did the stuff for the humongous install for XP and all that jibba jabba, and I run it in 98/ME compatability mode. Game starts just fine, can make characters, see movies, hear sound, all that..

What stuff did you do ? Sorry ... Im a moron and cant get FO1 installed on my comp with win xp. Every time i hit install it gives me "Sorry this version of windows is not supported by this software" or somthing like that. I need help.
Thanks in advance! :D

I know it's a bit of an old topic but I struggled with a problem similiar to this one off and on for over a year. So I figured I'd post the answer for anyone who in the future takes time to search the archives.

Your problem is that you didn't correctly apply the patch. Go and check your fallout folder. Do you see a bunch of files (like a dozen or so) cluttering up the main one? They shouldn't be there, they should be in folders.

Some compression programs like older versions of WinAce don't automatically decompress their archives with the same folder structure. Instead, they just chuck all the files into the one in which you decompressed the archive. Hence you get all these files in the main folder instead of being in their own special folders.

When you take damage, a patched version of the game tries to access one of those files. Since you didn't install it right, the game crashes, usually with an error about 'Memory cannot be "read"'. What's really happened is it couldn't find the file.

So make sure when you extract the patch, you extract it in a way that maintains the directory structure in the zip archive (ie. extracts them into their folders).
That's great if it's a problem people would tend to fall victim to, but perhaps the Troubleshooting sticky would be a better place to post it than this 2-years-plus-old thread. I suggest you repost it there (rewording as appropriate) so I can split and vat this.