Wasteland Traveler
First time out of the vault

Science: I was wondering if I totally gimped my character by tagging science and putting points into it. I'm at Necropolis and the only thing this seems to work on is cows and computers. I haven't noticed any quests that gave me "scientific" options. There were a few lines of dialog that popped up that seemed pretty "smart", but science is a skill that you use, while the manual says that intelligence (mine is at 7) is used for getting more dialog options, so... yea.
Repair: I haven't even seen where you could possibly use this. Maybe compiling together the materials for the water chip? But I haven't seen anything hinting towards that, and Necropolis has a water chip that you can just take.
Outdoorsman: What does this even do? Reduce travel time? Give you less bad encounters? I've only had one encounter so far on the world map and that was with some friendly guards from the Hub and my outdoorsman is only like 20%. Does it reduce the number of baddies that appear on caravan quests? (these are impossible without constantly reloading... I get attacked by groups triple the size of the Khans... WTF) Do you get special flavor text when mousing over animals and the environment?
Charisma: I brought this up to 7 the first time I played. Now on my current character it is 3 and I haven't noticed a single difference in conversations. I would think that maybe it affected barter prices like in Baldur's Gate but there's a separate barter skill, and the manual leads me to believe that intelligence and speech are the main factors in conversations.
Basically my tagged skills are big guns, science, and doctor. Doctor is completely useless because no one on my team (me, Ian, Tycho) has gotten a broken limb, and there's like doctors in every city that could fix us up if we did, and I haven't come across anyone across the wasteland that is in need of medical attention for xp (must be that invigorating desert air). Big guns are crazy expensive and since I didn't horde items I can't afford them. I've basically hit a brick wall because the enemies have scaled up and I haven't and I wanted to know about some of these other skills before I restarted.
Science: I was wondering if I totally gimped my character by tagging science and putting points into it. I'm at Necropolis and the only thing this seems to work on is cows and computers. I haven't noticed any quests that gave me "scientific" options. There were a few lines of dialog that popped up that seemed pretty "smart", but science is a skill that you use, while the manual says that intelligence (mine is at 7) is used for getting more dialog options, so... yea.
Repair: I haven't even seen where you could possibly use this. Maybe compiling together the materials for the water chip? But I haven't seen anything hinting towards that, and Necropolis has a water chip that you can just take.
Outdoorsman: What does this even do? Reduce travel time? Give you less bad encounters? I've only had one encounter so far on the world map and that was with some friendly guards from the Hub and my outdoorsman is only like 20%. Does it reduce the number of baddies that appear on caravan quests? (these are impossible without constantly reloading... I get attacked by groups triple the size of the Khans... WTF) Do you get special flavor text when mousing over animals and the environment?
Charisma: I brought this up to 7 the first time I played. Now on my current character it is 3 and I haven't noticed a single difference in conversations. I would think that maybe it affected barter prices like in Baldur's Gate but there's a separate barter skill, and the manual leads me to believe that intelligence and speech are the main factors in conversations.
Basically my tagged skills are big guns, science, and doctor. Doctor is completely useless because no one on my team (me, Ian, Tycho) has gotten a broken limb, and there's like doctors in every city that could fix us up if we did, and I haven't come across anyone across the wasteland that is in need of medical attention for xp (must be that invigorating desert air). Big guns are crazy expensive and since I didn't horde items I can't afford them. I've basically hit a brick wall because the enemies have scaled up and I haven't and I wanted to know about some of these other skills before I restarted.