fallout 1 startup problem


First time out of the vault
long story short, my laptop is a piece of s%&@ and it overheats CONSTANTLY, this being a problem because after i install fallout 1, it only works during that time when its on, so when it overheats and i have to restart it, i try starting up fallout 1 and it says:

couldnt find master datafile, check your fallout CD

help? :(
well not having played fallout 1 on a lap top i cant give u much advice...
Try reinstalling the game,if it happens again...
Play it on a PC like the rest of us :D
Erdin said:
long story short, my laptop is a piece of s%&@ and it overheats CONSTANTLY, this being a problem because after i install fallout 1, it only works during that time when its on, so when it overheats and i have to restart it, i try starting up fallout 1 and it says:

couldnt find master datafile, check your fallout CD

help? :(

1) Get a cooling pad

2) Patch and update a no-cd fix. I know that the Unofficial patch for FO2 has this built in, so you might check if any unofficial bug-fix patches for FO1 also have this feature.