Fallout 2 1.02 official Car disappeared


First time out of the vault
Hello. I searched in google, and searched here, but I can't find any answers, just patch my game. But my game is the OFFICIALLY 1.02 patched game, no mods, no other stuff.
Problem: Fallout 2, Car, loaded with tons of good stuff, disappeared when I left it at the military base, to get some experience. I don't know if it means something, but I tell you everything. At the entrance of the base, there are 4 tents, with footlockers, and weapon creates. I put some thing, that I need in them. To have space in the trunk. My car is upgraded by Smitthy with the Klamath part, and by the NewReno chop shop. (Trunk too) When I left my car in Sanfran, never disappeared. I left it once at the MilBase, and it disappeared... I'm very angry and sad, in the same time. My 10 day (gameday) old save is corrupted with this bug. The previous save is more than 1,5 year old. Are there any recovery, or I have to fall back more than 5 levels, and do quests, encounters, and stuff again? :|
Any ideas welcome, please help me. Thanks.
Tried. Doesn't work. Even tried with extra thing, like rest and tanker, and other stuff. After I did the processes, I searched every existing places... Any other idea?
If its ur first time in reno, thats supposed to happen. go to the chop shop on the reno town map. If not, i have no answers. I have not encountered that glitch thus far.
Have you looked around the general area? Sometimes the car's parking spot is not so obvious. Also, make sure the car did not get left out in the desert somewhere - as that can be a very bad thing.

If all else fails, you might be able to edit the save state to add the car to your present location.