Fallout 2: ASH-9


First time out of the vault
After finishing Fallout 2, I decided to start a new game, doing missions and things I hadn't previously done. The problem I am now having is a mission from the Shi to kill ASH-9. I tried planting TNT on him :twisted: , but he only lost 30 hit points, so no luck there :evil: . I fed him 20 super stims, but for some unknown reason, he still lives :?: . I even tried shooting the ass, and killing all the huboligists who dared to get in my way :twisted: , which in theory worked, but then the fource feilds came up and I was trapped in :cry: ... Is there any way to murder the son of a bitch, without the fource-feilds from trapping me in?
Use repair on the forcefields, it might not work at once but if you keep trying they will get permanently or temporarly shut down.
If your repair skill is low you can use TNT as well.
To kill with super stims you must pump him full of'em and then wait in the Pip Boy for ten\twenty minutes.
I did try the super stims, but that went tits up, even though I gave him 20, and waited 2 hours. Unlucky I guess. Repair works well, ta...
Depends on how much you gave him, to give the acurate dose
1.Have the awareness or is it alertness perk
2.See how much hps the target has
3.Calculate how much the super stim does damage for and then divide that amount by the target's hps. The answer will be the amount of super stims you need to apply. Add 1 to the answer to factor in for the remainder since it will not always be exact.
4.Apply the amount of super stims
5.Wait 5-20 mins later and watch that poor sucker OD on super stims
Hope I was helpful, peace out
ive played throught the game about 7 times and I always enjoyed going into the Hubologists and gunning down every last one of the freaks. Made me feel good.