Fallout 2+Benny Hill


First time out of the vault
Well, recently, as a challenge of my mental endurance, I decided to play random games while listening to a continuous loop of the Benny Hill theme. Needless to say, I failed miserably. One of the games I played was Fallout 2. I set the Benny Hill theme in the background, and started up the game. I messed around in my "Neo" character's save for a while, beating hapless civilians into submission with my Super Sledge, obtained via trainers. After a while, I decided to do a classic Benny Hill-ish thing: I started a big chase. First I provoked some people in Vault City, and the guards set upon me. I started owning them with my Flamer/Holy Hand Grenades.(I had about 40 of them.) As every civilian and guard in sight ran from my indestructible arsenal, I realized that something was missing. Oh, right! I needed a big finish to this chase, something really stupid. So, I activated every piece of Plastic Explosives in my inventory,(A grand total of 50 pieces) and, in mid-chase, as I was hunting down a civilian of Vault City, I exploded. By the time I exploded, I had nearly forgotten about my explosives, as I had set the timers to go off in 3:00. Well, I think you can tell where this is headed, but, anyway, I was busy figuring that I could sneak behind the civilian and then flame them, when, out of nowhere, BOOM! The theme song was just coming to an end for about the 25th time or so, and I promptly burst into hysterical laughter as I exploded almost perfectly in-synch with the final bit of the song. Anyone else here ever had the Benny Hill experience, or, better yet, does anyone here have a video of them and a Benny Hill experience in Fallout 2?
Yakety Sax goes with everything.

Hence why my friends and I once listened to it for a solid 24 hours while playing many games and watching many movies....

There were no survivors.