Fallout 2 Constantly Freezing


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Fallout 2 freezing...

I have decided to play fallout 2 again though the screen freezes after I enter several locations. It doesn't really freeze, the fps is just really slow, the screen moves about every 20 seconds. It does this in:

-Vault 15 - 3rd level.
-Several random encounters
-The Hublogists (i don't know how to spell that)

Its really annoying because now I cannot beat the game without the location of vault 13 wich I get in the third level of vault 15.

I am using Windows XP home edition version 2002
796 MHz
124 MB of RAM
My computer does run abit slow, though any help would be appreciated
Did you try to change the compatibility of the .exe of Fallout for Windows 98 or 95? ? Maaaaayybeee this can solve the problem...

If you don't know as. . . simple, right click button in the exe of Fallout, Properties. . . go to the guide compatibility!

Sorry The english!
Re: Fallout 2 freezing...

It didn't even take me five minutes to find the problem.

IvanJarvis said:
I am using Windows XP home edition version 2002
796 MHz
124 MB of RAM

Right there. Your computer hardly meets the basic specs for WinXP, particularly RAM-wise. The CPU fails as well because anything under 1GHz for XP is similarly miraculous to run anything on top of the OS. Fallout doesn't have much of a load on a system if it meets the specs, but you're already pushing it. Fallout 2 also seems to be significantly more greedy.

To run it on XP, plus games of similar age like Jagged Alliance 2 (I have a beater box specially built for these games), I would suggest that you up your RAM to at least 256MB, preferably 512MB minimum. The CPU should be possible to use then even at 256MB. With a bit of cleaning out of unneeded processes and optimizing the OS, you should be able to slim things down so that they run somewhat decently on WinXP.

This should hopefully fix the slowing problem, as there really isn't anything else in the known issues I can think of that would cause this problem.
124 MB of RAM? Is that even possible?

64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4... You need like 5 RAM slots for that!
Hi, just been having troubles playing Fallout 2. Y'know how it is, you need to break it out once in a while to get my true post-apoc fix. My problem is that FO2 just keeps crashing, about 20 mins in sometimes much sooner it completely freezes. No Error message no black screen nothing, the cursor is frozen and I cant even crtl+alt+del out of it, nothing but hitting the restart button works.
My computer is;
AMD 3500+ ~2.2Ghz
GeForce 6600 GT 128mb
a gig RAM
Running XP

At first I thought it might be XP but now not so sure. It installed fine at all sizes. I went thru some stickies and old posts. It still freezes not matter what compatabilty settings I have, I have turned of all the features for my graphics card and even disabled it, I've tried running my computer at lower resolutions, dropping sound acceleration to basic only, and last night downloaded new drivers for my sound card and geforce. I have got everything diabled thru msconfig too. The CD I bought about 4-5 years ago came with it patched up to 1.02 I tried a fan made patch and it still was freezing, I am really at my wits end because its extremely frustrating because everytime I play just when I'm getting in the swing of things I think 'Sweet, its finally working, good stuff.." aaannd, bang! frozen. It happens anywhere anytime, so far having only played up to klamath, it hasn't really frozen at any one point just after about 20 mins as far as I can guess.

If any one has anything for me to try please let me know I am getting really bummed (reading and rereading the FO1 manual is sort of keeping my fallout fix in check, but not sure how long that can last!) At this point I'd even appreciate know which pagan god to pray to!!

Thanks in advance guys, I'm desperate!!