Fallout 2 Dialog Glitches


First time out of the vault
I recently re-installed Fallout 2, with Killaps latest patch and the high-res patch. Have already tried re-installing and loading the saves again.

My first problem is with the vault city computer, when I search the archives for any mention of vault 13, it just exits dialog without giving me any response.

Second more annoying bug is with Gordon of Gecko, he wont give me the economic data even though I've optimised the power plant.

For me, the conversation goes like this:

Gordon of Gecko: ... can't get anyone to listen to me.
Chosen One: What kind of information?
Gordon of Gecko: Well, now that you've helped to repair our atomic power plant I have a much better chance of getting what I want. Maximizing my potential.
Chosen One: Thanks for the information Gordon. Goodbye.
[END of conversation]

when it's supposed to go

Gordon of Gecko: ... can't get anyone to listen to me.
Chosen One: What kind of information?
Gordon of Gecko: Well, I've calculated that.....

Has anyone else had problems like this, or know of a fix?