Fallout 2: Do addictions kill? if not, why am I dying?


First time out of the vault
I've got a psycho addiction, and that's the only ailment i seem to have. Within 24 hours, I spontaneously die, every time. In fallout 1, addictions certainly did not kill, and all ive seen for addiction issues is that it decreases perception and something else a little.

It is always 15 July 2243 that I die on.

I am not irradiated and have a full 164 hp at time of death.

Any ideas?

EDIT: It can't be the Addiction, i juiced up on some more Psycho and i died within a couple hours anyway. I have NONE of those "danger" icons highlighted on my screen besides "Addict". It doesn't matter whether I travel on the world map or or just sleep in town, i always drop dead! I have no access to a doctor, though. wish i did :( but i exterminated all of NCR, which is the city my character is "trapped" in atm.

also a question on bounty hunters:
my character gets Childkiller stat, metal-clad bounty hunters come after me. I re-load from their encounters until im high enough level to kill them off. They are then replaced by combat-armor bounty hunters. If i ever manage to kill them off, will power-armor bounty hunters be next?
Judging from the lack of responses, I suppose I've encountered a Game-Over bug and all hope is lost :(

oh well :|
Hmm... It might be a problem if the addiction reduces any of your stats below 1, but I'm not sure if that matters or not. You could try raising stats (particularly intelligence) with a character editor, see if that makes a difference. If not, it's probably time to reload an earlier savegame.
piranha45 said:
also a question on bounty hunters:
my character gets Childkiller stat, metal-clad bounty hunters come after me. I re-load from their encounters until im high enough level to kill them off. They are then replaced by combat-armor bounty hunters. If i ever manage to kill them off, will power-armor bounty hunters be next?

Bounty hunters scale to your level. The more powerful a bad ass you are walking the wastes, the tougher the hombres that are going to hunt you down. IIRC raising your karma back up to normal levels should get them to go away (this might not be the case for childkillers).

Edit: From Per's guide:
If your karma drops really low (-501, although the wanted posters will appear at -500) or if you count as a Childkiller, you'll sometimes run into bounty hunters. The minimum number in a group is two, and the maximum number is four, plus one if they're after you for killing kids, plus one if you're level 19 or more. Their toughness and equipment will depend on your level (with variations within each group):

* 1-6: Leather jacket, Hunting Rifle, Desert Eagle.
* 7-12: Leather armour, Assault Rifle, Super Sledge, Sniper Rifle.
* 13-18: Combat armour, Laser Rifle, Frag Grenades, Power Fist.
* 19-99: Power armour, Gauss Rifle, Plasma Grenades, Avenger Minigun.

So, yes, they will come with power armor.
My perception is 1. God I hope this is the reason behind it. Time to scour NCR for some mentats.

IT WORKED!! I slept for a couple days after some mentats, and im still alive! woooo!