First time out of the vault
Dragon, the stereotype kung fu good guy is refusing to train me because he says "i would not use my powers for good" even though I have a pretty high karma rating.
Also, Al of Lo Pan's citizens like me, while Dragon's citizens hate me, even though I haven't done anything to anyone in San Francisco.
I did the Ken Lee quest to retrieve the Vetibird Plans hoping it would raise my reputation, but those barefoot idiots don't see to give a shit. So how can I get Dragon to train me so I can do the "defeat Lo Pan's followers" quest?
Also, Al of Lo Pan's citizens like me, while Dragon's citizens hate me, even though I haven't done anything to anyone in San Francisco.
I did the Ken Lee quest to retrieve the Vetibird Plans hoping it would raise my reputation, but those barefoot idiots don't see to give a shit. So how can I get Dragon to train me so I can do the "defeat Lo Pan's followers" quest?