Fallout 2 Enclave problem


First time out of the vault
Hi. I haven't found this problem, so i post it here:

I am just before fight with Frank, the final boss, but when i try to use computer in that room to turn turrets on my side, it just tells me what is in this computer. I have presidental card, but i still cannot use it :/. It looks like this:

I play on polish version, if it would help, and don't know what to do now. I do not really have chances to defeat horrighan with those 4 troops :/.

Is that some kind of bug, and i have to pass game again, or i have to do something more to use this computer??
You don't use the card on the computer directly. Use the computer normally and tell it to list users. There should be a 'presidential override' option. Take that, and the card will be used automatically when needed.
Have you tried using the terminal BEFORE you got the Presidential Key? This might block this option.
If you used the terminal before you had the presidential keycard, and tried to trick the computer into performing one of the functions that required the presidential keycard, it will shut down and deny you further operation.