Fallout 2 end game stills


Bear Dude
So, for the patch that I am working on, I am trying to include the missing end game stills for Marcus, the President, the Elder, and Harold. The problem I am having is that everything is there except .frms and .pals for them. I have two great images I want to use for Marcus and the Elder, but I am not sure how to turn this into a working .frm. I used the frm converter that is found in the downloads section here but when I converted the .bmp I got a very messing looking .frm. Obviously something is not right with the pallete, but I am not sure what to do exactly. The two images I want converted to .frms are below. If someone could help me out and convet them into working endgame stills I would really appreciate it. Thanks for any help!


are .pal files a fallout specific pallete file format or the more general one? i know programs like Paint Shop Pro and PhotoShop can export .pal files for an image i believe, just not sure if they are the same type of .pal files that fallout uses
I am not sure. I admit that my knowledge of graphics/image manipulation is quite limited. If you are familiar with this, any chance you could perhaps toy around with it and see what you come up with?

i'm no expert, but i can see what i can find out when i am home later today (still at work for another couple of hours, then i have to run an errand on the way home)
Hmm... This pictures already converted into frm format.
See shabad3.frm, shabad3.pal and eg_elder.frm, eg_elder.pal in Seraph 1.03 mod.
Avega said:
Hmm... This pictures already converted into frm format.
See shabad3.frm, shabad3.pal and eg_elder.frm, eg_elder.pal in Seraph 1.03 mod.

Well the problem is those frms also come out pretty bad. I had talked with Seraph about it and he said he never got them quite right and would probably take them out of his patch.

EDIT: Well, I finally got both of my images converted to .frm and they look very nice. However, only the Elder one is showing up in the end game stills. The Marcus one is never played. If I choose any other .frm to be played, then the Marcus ending is displayed. Any ideas on this?

EDIT 2: Ok, I finally got Marcus to show up. apparently the name of the frm mattered. It had to be marc.frm Thanks anyway everyone. :D