Fallout 2 - enormous dmg resistance


First time out of the vault
'Search' wasn't helpful, so i create this new topic. My Fall is just patched, no mods or something. I have 2lvls of Toughness, so my dmg res should be 0/20%. But, after wearing leather armor mk II, it changed to... 9/24% [with armor - 12/49%]. Without any drugs or something. Game is to easy - I'm now at lvl 6, fighting with raiders - i can take 15 of them without any harm... and my character is meele.

In short words - wtf?
'wtf' is a fair summation of this...

Leather Armour MKII should give +3 DT/ +25% DR, along with Toughness (2) this should mean: +3/+45% no idea why it wouldn't.

Have you done boxing in New Reno?
^ Or he got Prizefighter.

Actually, if the stats the op listed are correct, that is also impossible.
You could wear leather armour MKII and have 15 DT or 18, not 12 though...

Even with Prizefighter . Raiders have guns , there could be a critical hit . It's impossible to completely ignore all damage if 8 guys attack you at the same time , you must take at least some .
I had 1 level of toughness , Enclave Armor , Prizefighter and one lousy bastard scored a critical hit which got me from 100 hit points to 95 . And he had a pistol .

But wait , by patched do you mean restoration too or just a patch ?
Oh, i get some dmg, but it's like '1' or '2', zero most times. Yep, sometimes i get crit for some more, but still, I'm pretty immortal. When i wrote this, i was just like I said, toughness and leather armor - now i have prizefighter, toughness [3] and power armor from Navarro. My dmg resist is... 27/90%. Btw, you can reach 90% even without my bug. Even some more, but it still counts as 90%, so with battle implants and best armor you need only 2lvls of toughness. Just saying, if anyone is interested in playing tank char.

Ah - my game is Fallout 2 ver. 1.02, no addons. And Deadpool rlz [cause it's Deadpool, yeah? ; p]