Fallout 2 failing to detect CD when patched


First time out of the vault
I'm using the Fallout collection (White Label) from GSP in the UK, which includes Fallout 1, 2 and Tatics on a single DVD.

Fallout 2 version 1.00 is included, along with a 'F2V102EU.ZIP' patch for the game, in the Bonus section of DVD.

I choose the 'Humongous level' when installing Fallout 2 under Windows XP, and the game works fine. Until I attempted to use the patched version.

The 'F2V102EU.ZIP' patch includes:

Since there was no installer included in the patch, I copied the patch contents to the Fallout 2 installation directory (overwriting the original fallout2.exe).

After using that patch, Fallout 2 fails to start giving an error of 'Running Fallout 2 requires the CD!'.

I have tried downloading and using the 'f2patch-uk.exe' patch, but it causes the same error too.

I assume Fallout 2 is failing to start, since the game is included on a DVD (instead of CD) now, and the patch was never updated to recognise the difference.

Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
Get the US patch from the files section here. It won't ask for a CD, and should work identically otherwise.
Thank You, that worked.

Should I expect any strange effects from using the US patch, on a UK version of Fallout 2? I have installed the childrens patch too.