Fallout 2.. Falche questions..


First time out of the vault
I've beaten the game a few times now so I've decided to have a little fun this time around...

I have a few questions pertaining to the editor.. here they are.

What is the latest version of Falche for Fallout 2?

And... I heard about a bug for the editor that if your strength is over 10 you need to fix it, is this true? Is there a version of Falche where this isn't a problem? And if there isn't.. Can I edit the stats at any time to fix it?
I was wondering if the source for Falche 1 or 2 is available, or if the offsets for stats and skills and other character information is known for save.dat

I ask for both an educational point of view and because I want to make a savegame editor with the GUI of the fallout character screen, and I have recently learned windows programming without visual C++ and need something cool to practice on.