Fallout 2 german to english


First time out of the vault
I have a german copy of the game. I myself speak german fluently. I wanted my little cousin to be able to play the game as well, however he cannot read german. Is there any translation patches to english?

Sorry if this does not meet forum guidlines, I read the stickies, and could not see anything wrong with this post.
No, there aren't any patches. It would require extensive modding, and getting a lot of files from the UK or US version (don't ask, we're not going to give them to you since that consitutes warez talk, more or less). You'd be better and quicker off just buying the US or UK version somewhere.
Ok, thanks, I was just curious if there was a quick fix. As there isn't I'm going to EB in about an hour to pick up a copy of fallout 2. I couldnt find a german fallout 1, thank god. I should have bought the english version to begin with.