[Fallout 2] GSP White Label - How To Patch?


First time out of the vault
Alrighty then. As you know if you read my other thread, I have the GSP White Label collection of FO1, 2, and Tactics.

I finished Fallout 1 (great game) and am moving on to 2. Unlike the version of FO1 on the DVD which was already updated to the final "official" version, Fallout 2 is at 1.00. All the mods seem to talk about the UK version 1.02e, but I cannot find a working download anywhere, only up to 1.02d.

The patch doesn't work either. When I run it, it extracts the files and all, but when I run fallout2.exe, it still says "Version 1.00" in the corner of the main screen.

The High Resolution patch, which usually can detect your version too, is saying it's an unrecognized version.

What to do?
I have this version and I did have to patch it twice (1.02d) - first time it didn't "take" (follow read me carefully).

What I did was first patch 1.02d, check the rock (also on the splash screen), then quit and run the HR patch.