Made countless edits and corrections, added or improved some v1.0 information (e.g. extra xp in the Wright murder quest, Badger freeze, slaver freeze, stealing from VC shops, speedy plant optimization, NPC count bug), fleshed out the FAQ and added to the list of languages in the translation section, added numerous minor bugs in the walkthrough and the Bugs section, added AP by level in the NPC list, adjusted some NPC weapon recommendations based on AP and ST, added a couple of things missing from the list of stupid quests, noted critical hits and failures are disabled at the start of the game, added weapon-toting geckos, added a Smiley bug, added a few ways to deal with Den orphans and slavers, added a note on chems affecting multiple critters, cleared up a number of details on SAD terminals and robots, added info on using the Mutagenic Serum on Lenny, added infinite Jet bug with JJJ, added and corrected a few details on Badger and related things, added two bug notes on mad brahmin, cleared up the boxing resistance bonuses, added infinite boxing matches, improved details on boxing overall, added using Buffout on Francis, added Chuck Stodgers xp bug, noted the cause of the party disappearance bug and added a related trick, added Happy Harry inventory bug, added assassination issues with Dynamite and Super Stimpaks, added vorpal rat freeze, added a couple of Horrigan strategies, added McClure holodisk bug, added double plant repair bug, added Puking Charlie xp bug, added a few perk notes (Bonus Move, Gain Intelligence, Heave Ho!, Lifegiver, Sniper), added a note on Mutated Toes in Items, corrected and extended both notes on Here and Now, cleared up how radiation death works, added NPC reloading bug, noted when the Solar Scorcher can be reloaded, added list of Cat's Paw Magazine locations, added killing Horrigan in Vault 13 and San Francisco, noted the Dogmeat/NCR oddity, added a bunch of items in Items (Special Boxer Weapon, Flame Breath, Robo Rocket Launcher, Robo Rocket Ammo, Robo Melee Weapon 2) and scattered info on how to get them, verified medical item bonuses and extended their note in Items, added First Aid note, noted who and what Lenny heals as doctor, added the disappearing NPC corpse bug, explained and generalized the "apathetic Vic" bug, added two notes on the Bridge encounter, added Matt crash bug, added Badger cutscene interruption and invisibility bug, added the deal with Flares, added Dragon/Lo Pan xp bug, moved and corrected weapon accuracy bonus info, noted undead NPC bug which accounts for the undead pariah dog bug, added Mysterious Stranger ammo bug, noted encounter size relates to party size, noted Brain Bot and K-9 vulnerability to EMP damage, added a note on the map speed issue in Preparations, reordered the skill list slightly, corrected and expanded NPC/chem note.