Fallout 2 in italian?


Carbon Dated and Proud
For all you Rocky Balboa's out there, you can now play Fallout 2 all in italian. This is all done possible by Ragfox, here's what Tifereth said:<blockquote>Well, but the Great News now is that on http://www.tifone.neonemesis.it it's available the Italian Translation of Fallout 2 (all the game!), made by ragfox (drakenar@virgilio.it ) who also name your site in the credits of the Italian version.</blockquote>Great work Ragfox!
It takes a hell of a lot of commitment to buckle down and do that. Ragfox, you should be proud.
PIPBoy2000 said:
It takes a hell of a lot of commitment to buckle down and do that. Ragfox, you should be proud.

After a 1-year effort, I think that I've been able to maintain the original "feeling" of Fallout 2. I'm just an "amateur translator", but I'm proud of my work.
Due to its (once) missing translation, Fallout it's not so popular among Italian gamers. Maybe my TIFONE (FallOut Italian Translation) project will increase its popularity among my fellow countrymen...
And I'm translating Fallout 1 & Tactics, too.

Please Note: Ragfox - translation skills: English to Italian >>> Italian to English
I have to admit, Ragfox, you did a damn fine job. I played through the first few areas in and around arroyo and klamath. Really nice translation. Its very accurate to the original game. The interface, the cutsccenes, dialogue boxes, EVERYTHING! It must have taken a really long time to do.
Good touch with the power armor in the splash screen too! haha
I think i'll go play the whole thing now!

La Guerra. La Guerra non cambia mai....