Fallout 2 In My Dreams


Still Mildly Glowing
Last night is the first time I ever had a Fallout dream, and it involved Planescape Torment, too.

I dreamt that someone created a mod in which Arroyo was rebuilt with the Geck, and that they lifted the Alley of Lingering Whispers cutscene from Planescape Torment (in which the pregnant alley gives birth to a new section of city) to show this in game.

That's it - the whole dream. Guess I'm gaming too much this week. Well, and the teaser coming out probably contributed, too.

maybe trying some new game would help. But dreaming about fallout ain't that bad. could be worse. Like some barbie game. Then it's definitely time to stop "gaming".
I always dream about the games that I play atm. Maybe I should do something else with my life, or maybe not...
My dreams have only a small link to reality in the fact that some of the objects come from things I've seen. Everything else is crazy. Example: One time I had a dream that me and 3 other people were on a sled, in a rounded arena, and that we all had AK-47s and were firing at a blue orb directly in the middle of the arena
this might sound fake

Well this one time, after playing fallout 1 and joining the brotherhood; I had a dream I was raiding a mutant camp with fellow BOS soldiers. What is funny, as I had like 6 HUGE ass guns, and when it was time to switch, my "inventory"(in my power armor), I had so much space!! It was weird. I don't remember killing anyone, but I remember firing the gun. Anyways, It was awesome. I've had it 2 times in my life.
I've had loads of Fallout-related dreams, including wearing combat leather jackets fighting gangers in a surrealistic landscape with a friggin M3A1 "Grease Gun". I've dreampt about playing Fallout, too, and I've dreampt I've been IN Fallout, with a clear delinieation between the two types of dreams.
I had a nightmare about being dipped once, happened after a good nights drinking. Never had any other FO related ones though.
Some of my unrelated dreams have had the Fallout ambient music as a soundtrack. Haven't dreamt that I've been "in" Fallout though, rather than playing it.
i had a dream that i had a smg and a portable knife and a leather armor on me, except the part that i had steel protections over the articulations of my body and i was killing zombies and stuff
I had a dream about Fallout

I had a dream a couple nights ago about Fallout. This is my dream:

I had a dream that I was playing Fallout 2 and I was in the Gecko Power Plant. I could see it from an isometric perspective and the graphics in-game but it faded in and out from isometric and first-person. Well, *I* went into this huge dark empty room with many dirty shower-heads. It was very dirty and I went underneath one of the showers and turned it on. Well, I had my clothes on at the time (normal clothes not jumpsuit) and the shirt was kind of big on me so it was really uncomfortable as it got wet.

Suddenly my skin started to turn this bright lime green and I realized I was turning into a super-mutant. Then these big huge sores appeared on my skin and I could see myself in the mirror.

All of a sudden I had this big fat huge laser rifle in my hand and I could feel my muscles rippling as I went out of the shower place and I was transported outside. I started killing these huge BOS soldiers in first-person and then out of fucking nowhere Todd Howard came and gave me a hug and I turned back into a human.

Then I was frozen still as Brother None (who looked liked this horned beast) pounced on todd howard and then todd howard grew these giant red horns and sank into the ground, as brother none ran away and I realized I was in my bed. But I couldn't move in my bed and I was stuck there and got really scared. I tried to touch the ceiling but I couldn't. Then I woke up for real and I thought 'WTF'?

Well, that was my dream.
That's some scary shit dude. To have Todd Howard in your dream, I mean. I'd be afraid to go back to sleep. When I clicked on the thread I thought it was going to be something like Hakunin's messages, but it turned out worse. :lol:
But I couldn't move in my bed and I was stuck there and got really scared.

Happens to me a once in a while. :crazy: I used to get scared at first, but now it's just funny how i try to move and can't.
I guess it's hard to have a dream about a game that lacks first person perspective. I mean, for me at least.
At times I've had dreams that have taken place in a third-person perspective. Sadly, those dreams quickly fall into the category that involves me waking myself from the dream, because my mind cannot believe that reality takes place in a third-person perspective. Now, I've had Fallout daydreams before, but I think every fan of Fallout has those. Dreams of blowing away the random traveller you encounter with your minigun.
monsharen said:
maybe trying some new game would help. But dreaming about fallout ain't that bad. could be worse. Like some barbie game. Then it's definitely time to stop "gaming".

Time to stop hanging out near playgrounds, too.