Fallout 2 in VMWare Fusions


First time out of the vault
I've got a problem running Fallout 2 in VMWare Fusions/XP SP3 through OS X 10.5.3. Everything loads up just fine, but the mouse is uncontrollable.
Does anyone have any idea how to correct this?
It happens when running Win2k under VirtualPC as well. I found that it does work properly when emulating Win98, so that's a possible workaround.
I had the same problem and don't know if you got your game working already, but here's another solution if someone is still having their mouses jumping:

I got my rat under control by installing the Restoration Project patch/mod/addon -thingie and then tinkering with ddraw.ini -file (in the fallout2-directory). There's MouseSensitivity -line and by setting that one all the way down to 1 (percent) the cursor became nice and smooth. I haven't checked if the sensitivity can be altered without the patch. Fallout 2, windowed, in my little macbook. All is good.

Hope that helps.