Fallout 2 - Inside of Vault (Vault City)


First time out of the vault
Hi everybody,

I have some problems with opening some doors on the second level of Vault 8 in Vault City. Locked doors were easily to unlock, but there were some "stuck" ones. The hero said "I'd need a really strong person to open this door". Then I went to Vault Main Computer and read all the messages it displays. One of them showed "Power saver mode active for level 2 and 3" or something else.
So, I repaired Gecko reactor and optimized it to gain more power. Why? McClure told something about economic treaty between Gecko and Vault City. I thought it would help. But better working of reactor didn't help.
My question is : Is there any way to open stuck doors on the second level of the Vault 8 in Vault City?

Thanks in advance

Have a high ST and "force" it open, get some buffout and try it. Need to be pretty high.

Thanks for the advices. I tried it and I managed to open these heavy doors.

So thank you all again and wish good hunting,

No prob. Always good to hear some feeback from our visitors to see if we helped out in the end or not.

Another case successfully solved by the NMA investigative team!
LoOzrat said:
No prob. Always good to hear some feeback from our visitors to see if we helped out in the end or not.

Another case successfully solved by the NMA investigative team!

Hey, what happened to the RSAA ? Not to many of us around i suppose. (RSAA = resident smart-ass association)