fallout 2 installation problems(kinda)


First time out of the vault
This is for Fallout 2.

The topic isn't exactly accurate in that I can install both the small and medium installation packages, but when I do large or humungous, i get the "Please Wait.." loading screen then it crashes. I was wondering if anyone knew what this was and a way to fix it, or if I am just sh** out of luck. Also, related to this, when i am playing (medium installation) and I enter the Main Street of Modoc, or else the first screen of New Reno, the game becomes so choppy that it is unplayable. Is this in relation to only having a medium install?

Im running Windows XP SP1 i think. Just ask for any other info.

earthwormjohn said:
you mean like choose "explore cd" and double click setup? if so ill try it..


No, we mean like read the stickies that say READ BEFORE YOU POST, dumbass.