Fallout 2 inventory frm problem


First time out of the vault
I have problem with my inventory frm's.

I tried to add my own custom weapon frm into fallout 2/data/art/inven
also added the frm name into inven.lst

I added the weapon to my character but in the character's inventory there is just blank spot. I can drag the item to my active item spot.
IMAGE - the particular item is above the pack of cigarettes.

-frm is in the fallout 2/data/inven/
-added the item's frm name inven.lst in the fallout 2/data/inven/ folder
-there is a blank spot in the inventory list
-tried other frm -> weapon works perfectly

EDIT: I am using the latest Killap's RP mod. Would that be the problem? If so, is there a way to fix it?
You know, I had this exact problem many years ago when I was started messing with weapon frm mods, but I don't remember what, if, or how I resolved it . I never had any luck in implementing any extra items, since I think you have to do so with the mapper, and I could never get that thing to work. So, I just used available frms in the game and changed them to what I wanted. For example: take the brass knuckles and make a gun out of it with Cubik's editor and available artwork.

Hopefully, someone will answer you. Hopefully, someone will let you know, I'd like to know, myself.
Nykaen said:
I have problem with my inventory frm's.

I tried to add my own custom weapon frm into fallout 2/data/art/inven
also added the frm name into inven.lst

I added the weapon to my character but in the character's inventory there is just blank spot. I can drag the item to my active item spot.
IMAGE - the particular item is above the pack of cigarettes.

-frm is in the fallout 2/data/inven/
-added the item's frm name inven.lst in the fallout 2/data/inven/ folder
-there is a blank spot in the inventory list
-tried other frm -> weapon works perfectly

How long is your file name? It can't be longer than 8 characters. Can't think of other solutions atm, from what you're saying all should be fine.

Some additional questions:
Can you view your .frm with Titanum FRM browser, or is it blank like in the game?

Are you sure your .frm is created correctly? Have you used the Fallout palette? What software did you use to convert the original image into .frm?