Fallout 2 Klamath Black Screen


I am God
I started a new game, with The Official Patch, Sfall, and a mod called Ultimate Warfare. Everything ran fine at first, but as soon as I traveled to Klamath the screen just turned black and everytime I moved the moved my mouse a bunch of octagons/cursors would spread out. What could be causing this? Please help me with this issue.

h t t p ://i.imgur.com/c8UvYgK.jpg <-- here's an example and I had to break up the "http" so it would let me post the link to show you guys what im talking about, seeing how my description may be hard to understand.
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Sounds like a proto issue. Reinstall the patch, then the mod and then see if the folder "protos" (in data) is set to read only. If it is not, the files will be deleted on gamestart, most likely resulting in the effect you described.