Fallout 2 Mapper blanks to Desktop at Startup


First time out of the vault
Hi I have a strange problem with the Fallout 2 Mapper from Interplay
I tried to pinpoint it on three different machines and couldn't find out anything cause although i changed the machines, graphic boards and Os's the problem is always the same immediately after starting the Mapper it tries to change the resolution only to fall back to the Desktop.

Configurations i used:

Win2000 SP 4
ATI Radeon 9600XT
Directx 9.0c
Fallout 2 German Ver. 1.02

WinXP SP 2
Geforce 6800
Directx 9.0c
Fallout 2 German Ver. 1.02

WinXP SP 2
Some Intel OnBoard Junk
Directx 9.0c
Fallout 2 German Ver. 1.02

I controlled the mapper.cfg and it points to the right direction as far as I know If you're curious I can post it but I am rather sure I can read a Path Variable so I don't think there's a point doing it now.
Here's the Debug Output:

Chi squared is 20.865000, P = 36.420000 at 0.05
Sequence is random, 95ponfidence.
Error: Loading critter name message file!soundInit: Setting primary buffer to: 16 bit, 2 channels, 22050 rate
soundInit: Primary buffer settings set to: 16 bit, 2 channels, 22050 rate
Reading SNDLIST.LST Sound FX Count: 1361
>gsound_init	>initMovie		>gmovie_init	>moviefx_init	>art_init		>tile_init		
  None: {Joining Party}...is Changing TEAM to 0
>obj_init		>cycle_init		!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
INTRFACE: Error indicator box messages! **
intface_init failed int iso_init
Failed on iso_init
Current memory allocated:   2080 blocks, 275037141 bytes total
Max memory allocated:       2081 blocks, 275102001 bytes total

Any Ideas would be appreciated as I'm running aout of them, I even tried to patch it to the US Version but that won't help either.

Thanks in advance
If the problem really lies in resolution you could check your Fo2 mapper .exe link on your desktop (right click, properties, compatibility). I don't think it's a OS compatibility problem as far as I know: I ran the mapper without any problem on Win98 and two versions of WinXP. By the way, did it run fine at least once? It could be you made a mistake while adding maps and/or tinkering with towns (if so the game won't run, too). I know Lexx is working on his mod with a german version of the game, still there are a few compatibility issues with versions different from the U.K./U.S. ones. You'll find a post about this in one of the last pages in the modding forum. Remember that the mapper must read data from the cd if .DATs are not installed, so the original cd must be in the cd reader. This is a problem I never heard of: it only happened to me when loading maps containing new protos the game couldn't find, or when pressing F8 while in a map which had a critter script attached... Apparently sometimes the game/tools like to screw things: currently I'm fighting with something corrupting my .SSL files for no reason...
I really hope it's not this. These are the only things I can think of at present: I'll tell you something more if it comes to my mind. If you already checked this stuff, or find a solution or... Well, please let me know. Bye.
Thanks for the quick reply I'll try this out you'll hear about my progress at least i know now it is possible to run the mapper with the German Version gives me back some confidence.
I'll check back after fiddling around some more.
All done... I finally figured out how to get the Mapper running. The Answer were astoundingly easy, as I only had to undat the master.dat and rename the directory
/data/text/german to /data/text/english
and paste the "english" directory into the Fallout2/data directory
Apparantly the Mapper got hardcoded path's in it. But what the heck It works now and so do I.

Thanks again your response kept me figuring it out.
You are welcom. You know, I'm happy you did it: I was in need of good news from the modding front line, so to speack...
Happy modding and best whishes to you.
appreciate these wishes

tonigth i finally had some free time to get into scripting and i feel it's not as hard as one could think sifting trough this forum. Just finished writing my first script from scratch and it was exceedingly nice seeing it perform in the arcaves.map.
My only regret is that I haven't stumbled into modding F2 earlier.
Now I just have to get rid of that darn Video sequences which ruin my idea of an own adventure in the wastes but as there are information on this around i'm pretty sure i can do that.
I'm just busy converting sweet little Arroyo into an far more technical community which lives in the temple of trials which was converted into an vault like bomb shelter.

See you around
You can use Loader Creator v.3 to... well, make a loader which gets ridd of the movies. Such loaders are a bit buggy, grafics glitches in the world map mostly. Pay attention to scripting: it's just like dogs. If you know them odds are you are not going to get hurt...
Anyway: happy modding and cheers!