Fallout 2 MIB88 MegaMod 2 Install Order


First time out of the vault
It seems that the folks who wrote the Mega Mod fell that the best way to load the MIB88 Mega Mod is onto a totally new Fallout 2 install.

Since there are a few official and unofficial patches (and other mods?) that are also suggested here, I am asking if there is a preferred install order for these patches and mods if the Mega Mod is the main reason I'm re-installing.

My assumed order is:

1-Fallout 2
2-Official Patch 1.02
3-Unofficial Patch v1.05
4- MegaMod 2

This may seem obvious to some, but I am hoping to both save some preventable install grief. I amm alsi looking for suggestions about known compatible other mods that work very well with the MegaMod.

Any suggestions, corrections, or observations are appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
Thank you for the link, MIB88 :)

No additional mods will be loaded with the MegaMod.

But I have read the readme; and am still not clear about whether the Official Patch 1.02, or the Unofficial Patch v1.05 should be installed (at all?) (before?) installing the MegaMod.

Obviously we want to clean up the issues that the patch(es) resolve. But the readme.txt refers to possible problems with the patch000.dat file that sometimes lives in the main Fallout 2 directory. Do either of the two patches mentioned cause this file problem? Are the patches needed, at all, if the MegaMod is installed?

Thank you for your help and patience.
Mosca said:
... and am still not clear about whether the Official Patch 1.02, or the Unofficial Patch v1.05 should be installed (at all?) (before?) installing the MegaMod.

.... But the readme.txt refers to possible problems with the patch000.dat file that sometimes lives in the main Fallout 2 directory. Do either of the two patches mentioned cause this file problem? Are the patches needed, at all, if the MegaMod is installed?

Relevant parts of the readme:

3. Make sure you do not have a patch000.dat file in your main Fallout 2 directory. Either delete or rename it.

'Nuff said.

10. This mod doesn't work correctly with other mods, so don't try to add anything else or otherwise modify it unless you really know what you are doing.

Nothing else really works well with this mod. Nothing. This includes patches. The only things that might work are graphics updates/changes.