Fallout 2 music problem

Mr. H

First time out of the vault
Alright, so I started running fallout2 on my xp and noticed something strange: there was no music. I dug into my fallout 2 folder music files and found that they were in a format called .acm. I had never heard of .acm before, so I assumed this was the problem. I found info on converting .acm to .wav here and here (near the bottum of the page). They talk about some program called Acm2wav (the link in the first is in russian, and probably broken). Unfortunately, I am not to knowledgable in this area, so I'm not exactly sure about how to get the converted files played in the game with out messing anything up, so, does anybody know about anything about this (or an easier way to get the music running)?
Ehm, they're supposed to be in the .acm format. That's not the problem, at all.
Converting it to wav will not fix this in any way, so you're way, way, way off the path here.

How did you install the game, where is the music folder located relative to the install directory, what are the filenames in the music folder, do you have the in-game (music) volume turned up, have you tried decreasing or increasing sound hardware acceleration in the DirectX Diagnostic Tool?
Thanks for the reply.

Sander said:
Ehm, they're supposed to be in the .acm format. That's not the problem, at all.
Converting it to wav will not fix this in any way, so you're way, way, way off the path here.

How did you install the game, where is the music folder located relative to the install directory, what are the filenames in the music folder, do you have the in-game (music) volume turned up, have you tried decreasing or increasing sound hardware acceleration in the DirectX Diagnostic Tool?

Oh, ok. In that case, I installed the Humungous version; the music folder is under sounds, which is under data; file names look like (for example, there are 20 or so) "19reno.acm" or "03wrldmp.acm", the ingame music is on normal (all the way up didnt change anything); and changing the acceleration doesnt help. Strangley, sound effects are all fine.
How many files are there *exactly* and what are they called *exactly*? Also, how big are they?

Besides that, the folder should be: '[fallout 2 directory]\data\sound\music', not under 'sounds'.

Also, what does the 'music_path1' line in fallout2.cfg (in Fallout's main directory) say? It should point to the music directory.
Lol, I had the same problem but I didn’t notice it until I read this. I finished Fallout 2 nearly 2 times without music. Fallout is on of few games that still can bring a good atmosphere without music, I post-nuclear world is kind of silent.

Anyway, I fixed this problem by changing these two lines in fallout2.cfg (open it with WordPad or similar program):




Thanks Mr. H for creating the topic so I noticed that I didn’t have music and thanks Sander for giving me clues of what could cause this problem.
Thanks Sander/Judici! I've been having this problem, though i never used to many, many years ago.

I'm using a different copy now, maybe that has something to do with it? My current is a White Label one, whereas last time i played was with originals.