Fallout 2 - no caravans in Redding


First time out of the vault
I don't get any caravans in Redding despite resting until the proper date. I'm running the US version with killapps bug fixes and restoration pack. I believe I did patch to 1.02 first, although I think I read somewhere this doesn't go well with killapps stuff. Any ideas? Thanks!
I think I had this problem too but I don't know what I did about it, probably just left it and continued. Though it is a good way to make money and exp in the game. Maybe instead of resting up while in the area where they appear you rest up until the date and time in a different area of Redding then go back into the caravan area and see if they are there now.
Excuse me for digging up ancient threads, but I've run into this problem as well. Got the latest version of the F2RP going on and everything. I don't have a clue how to fix this, and I'd really like to take the Caravan to NCR.