Alright, my problem is a slightly unique one.
I've copied Fallout 2 onto my MP3 player so I can play it at school, all was doing well until recently. I decided to take a stroll to Modoc, when i got the map corruption thing, so I reloaded about 50 times and realised that when I drove there I had the bug. So I walked, all was fine. I finished it off with getting married and saved. So I come back today(tested the saves on my home comp, no problem) and I can't load it up, I get an application error that I can't read. Because the full screen mode, so I fired it up in windowed mode(from a file I found on these forums) and the error says, "The instruction as 004f11db referenced memory at 00000010 The memory could not be read from"
Now the dilemma if it isn't the MP3 player or install(I'm going to check today) is that I can't change any of the system settings here, and to be honest I'm surprise they even let me on anymore(they don't like you installing Unreal Tournament on the High School server for everyone to play, then locking the teachers and network admin out of it...) I've checked the DxDiag on this and it's a fairly good setup, the processor hasn't given me the crazy fast map move thing so I don't see any compatability issues with the system, especially since there is no real video card(onboard crap)
I realize I'm probably up the proverbial creek without a paddle, but any help would be appreciated.
PS: why doesn't the spell check function recognize "I'm"?
I've copied Fallout 2 onto my MP3 player so I can play it at school, all was doing well until recently. I decided to take a stroll to Modoc, when i got the map corruption thing, so I reloaded about 50 times and realised that when I drove there I had the bug. So I walked, all was fine. I finished it off with getting married and saved. So I come back today(tested the saves on my home comp, no problem) and I can't load it up, I get an application error that I can't read. Because the full screen mode, so I fired it up in windowed mode(from a file I found on these forums) and the error says, "The instruction as 004f11db referenced memory at 00000010 The memory could not be read from"
Now the dilemma if it isn't the MP3 player or install(I'm going to check today) is that I can't change any of the system settings here, and to be honest I'm surprise they even let me on anymore(they don't like you installing Unreal Tournament on the High School server for everyone to play, then locking the teachers and network admin out of it...) I've checked the DxDiag on this and it's a fairly good setup, the processor hasn't given me the crazy fast map move thing so I don't see any compatability issues with the system, especially since there is no real video card(onboard crap)
I realize I'm probably up the proverbial creek without a paddle, but any help would be appreciated.
PS: why doesn't the spell check function recognize "I'm"?