Fallout 2 on Macbook


First time out of the vault
Hi i have just today got my new mac book and the first thing i want to do is to install fallout 2 as its is my favorite game, so i am currently using "crossover" to install and play but this cases my mouse to move badly. is there a way to overcome this, or should i try different software to run that game or can i get fallout 2 for the mac?
I have no idea, but there is a mac version of the game that has a talking Pipboy.
I wouldn't mind trying that out...
I didn't try an emulator; I used Boot Camp with a Win XP install to play FO/FO2 on my mac book pro. You do need to use a "real" mouse or trakball. Don't play FO with 1 button! (And the software cntr-click = right click doesn't work in game)
There is an OS X version of FO2. However, there is no mac version of sfall, so you won't be able to use mods that depend on it such as the Restoration Project. I'm not familiar with Crossover, but VirtualPC also has issues with the mouse cursor moving too fast. I think someone solved that by disabling extended mouse integration. If no amount of fiddling with mouse settings makes it work properly, try Boot Camp, Wine, Parallels, or Fusion.

The talking PipBoy is only in the original mac version of FO1, which might be able to run under SheepShaver, but I don't think that will support speech synthesis.
I'm on a Macbook Pro and i would recommend sticking with XP on Boot Camp. As Kanhef says there is an OSX version and it works fine (except for the missing combat control screen) but you won't be able to use 90% of the fan-made patches and updates (which are excellent :))
I've never tried playing without a mouse, but i'm sure it'd be difficult!