Fallout 2 Palette


First time out of the vault
Does anyone have the Fallout 2 Palette in either microsoft PAL or ACT that they could perhaps e-mail to me?

EDIT - What format is Fallout 2's color.pal file, anyways?
I've got it at home, I'll try and send it later today. What do you mean what format is the palette in? I just loaded up and existing FRM (fallout picture type) and once it was converted into a BMP saved the palette out to a file. I think it is 256 colours


Turns out I had the Palettes on my work computer, so I have just sent it to you now
*.PAL files come ins several different formats (MS, Jasc, Dr. Halo, MSD). color.pal, the pal file I extracted from master.dat, couldn't be opened by photoshop, so I knew it wasn't and MS palette. I was curious what palette type it was because I'm trying to make some new endgame slides, but each requires its own custom palette file to work correctly, and I don't know what format I need to make the palette in.