Fallout 2 problem...Cody Wont Speak


First time out of the vault
...in New Reno i parked my car, it was never stolen before, so this time i had two options as how to get my car bakck...asking Jules next to parking lot or asking Cody kid, problem is that i spoiled both, earlie i completed Wright's quest about finding who killed his son, and i said it was Jules, later i came to Cody, with Ad power Armor mk2 equipped on, and with Marcus (SuperMutant NPC) with me, and then he just looked at me, then ran away...and every time i visit new reno i cant come close to him as he just keeps on run away each time...and now i'm stuck and cant get my car bakck...maybe any other options as how to get chop-shop location ?
You can try pressing 5 or something on the New Reno town map, if you're not above a little cheating.
You can also just walk to where the car was and follow the tire tracks (might have a perception or outdoorsman check).
wow...so many ways to get the car back...never knew that...oh and thanks everybody for the help, also...is there anyone who is playing with 1.03Y patched game ? ...i'm asking that, because that patch has problem with car also...if i try to visit Broken Hills once i buy my car, car just dissappears there, but those NPC who's fallen on the ground because of my car (on him LOL :mrgreen: ) is still there and he's saying all those things normally like car is there, but it is actually not...Duy that part is a bit confusing, i cant explain it all...thats why i never visit Broken Hills with my car now Hehe :mrgreen: