Fallout 2 Queries

mr freak

First time out of the vault
Falllout 2(1.0)questions:

1)My character has eye damage.How can i get rid of it?
2)Ammo for gauss rifle and caseless?
3)Where is K-9 motivation chip?
4)How can I get vertbird plans in Navarro whitout putting base on alert?
5)How do I convince Marcus from Broken Hills to join whit me?
6)Wher is Cassidy in Vault City?
7)Is Vault 13 also a secret location?
8)How can i get rid of all the thugs in V15?

Try again. This is the Fallout Tactics help forum.

Also, polish up your post a little bit and make the thread title informative before re-posting.

Much deserved Silencer but out of the vats for reasons of charity.

Mr. Freak-
Edited the thread title so that it's clearer.

Don't post in the wrong forum or it goes in the vats.

Also check the thread to see if your answers have already been given by earlier threads. It takes a bit more work, but it will make you more friends.

We're not a rude and nasty group of board nazi's but we don't have much patience for stupid noobs. Don't be a stupid noob or you will be sent to the place where stupid noobs roam making more in-bred stupid noobs until they are wiped out to clean the gene pool.

Or we feed you to Rosh who eats foolish noobs for breakfast (with lima beans and a nice chianti).

Also for your answers, the best place to look is Per's guide to Fallout 2. To find Per's guide here... do a search.

By all means find out how things are done here first before posting. You are less likely to look foolish that way.
Sorry, but I believe this should belong in the Vats. mr freak, from the posts already in the Vats, obviously has not learned a thing.
All, right, let's give him a chance. I'll even provide some answers:

1) Use the Doctor skill on your character. Eventually, you will heal your eye.

2) Is that even a question? You can steal some 2mm ammo in NCR, and I'm sure you can buy all kinds of ammo in San Francisco. If you desire to have an infinite supply of caseless ammo, go for the Mysterious Stranger perk

3) The K-9 Motivator is in a locker near Raul in the Vertibird hanger. Don't mistake it for the useless 40hp motor

4) Talk to Raul, then to a techie (white coats) in the comm center, ask him where the plans are stored. Then go talk to Quincy, ask him for the plans and tell they're for Raul.

5) Im not sure about this one, you must either find the missing people, fix the mine air purifier, or both.

6) Cassidy is the bartender, in the bar right by the Autodoc clinic (northeastern part of Courtyard)

7) Yes. It's not visible until you learn its location.

8) Kill them.