Fallout 2 - Reset bug

Spike Breaker

First time out of the vault
Hello anyone,

I'm here for a technical problem i've found for the second time in Fallout 2.
Many years ago i got this problem and it ruined my game... i've found it again this time :cry:

During a normal play, after i visit again a town i found it like i never visited: doors and chests are closed again and contains the old items, NPC speaks to you like first time you talk with them, if you have leaved an item in the town, you don't find it back.
This "reset" bug don't affect the quests completed...

I use the Latest official patch, the childrens patch ( http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=78 ) and the Ragfox's Italian traduction patch ( http://files.multiplayer.it/scheda_file.php?id=18231 - Maybe he's the same Ragfox in this forum? :D )

I searched for someone with my same problem and i found this topic:


Anyway he got no answer for the issue :(

Thanks for the help and sorry for the english! :)
First of all this has never happened to me and I have no idea how to fix it, just guessing what might have happened.
If you go to your Fallout2\data\SAVEGAME\whatever SLOT your savegame is in (before you enter the reset town) and see if that town .SAV is there. Cause it sounds like it's gone missing and the game puts a new map in, so it's like you've entered the town for the first time (-quests & stuff). If the town .SAV is there I guess it's gotten corrupted somehow and the game puts in a fresh map, although I think if it's corrupted the game would more likely crash.

I remember, when I was messing around with .SAV files it was doing this. A .SAV file is basically just a .MAP file in disguise(hint:If you change the .sav to .map you can edit it in the mapper) so the problem is probably a bad .sav file. go into your savegame folder and go into the right slot and make sure none of your maps are set to Read Only. Also you can try deleting that particular town save file(just make sure you dont save the game in that town map or you break that savegame)

This "reset" bug don't affect the quests completed...
Most quests have Global Variables attatched to them that are used to store a certain value when you finish the quest. These vars arent stored in the map file, so it sounds like your problem is a .sav that wont change or go away. Like I said before, check if any of your .sav files are read only, and change it.

I assume your using some form of windows(like me)