Fallout 2 resolution


First time out of the vault
Recently I started playing fallout 2 again; the only problem is that on the newer monitors the game is blown up and pixilated. Does anyone know of a way to change the resolution for the game to fit new computers?
Right Click Fallout.exe
Compatibility Tab
Run Program in Windows 98

Might work I guess...
Thanks for the reply, but no dice. I also tried changing my computers resolution to 800x 600 but still no good. Has anyone else noticed this about fallout 2 and or 1?
Try playing in windowed mode. There's no way to change the actual resolution of the graphics.
You can always try the Fallout 2 patcher program and force it to run on something higher than 640x480. It comes with unintended consequences such as certain maps (haunted farm for me) becoming all black, rendering the game unplayable. Movies are also 1/4th the screen size.
Windowed mode revisited

Per said:
Try playing in windowed mode. There's no way to change the actual resolution of the graphics.
Is there a working way to play in Windowed mode? I tried the latest DxWnd, but it made the game unplayably slow and flickery (and videos didn't work). I've seen many threads here on NMA on this topic, and allusions to a "resolution mod", but I'm none the wiser. Can someone shed some definite light?

EDIT: Would DosBox help?

EDIT2: To clarify, Fallout runs perfectly for me in XPSP2 natively. I'm just wondering if there could be some benefits to running it some other way. In the sticky thread and the threads about Virtual PC etc it doesn't say anything about the experience you get, it just says it's doable.