Fallout 2 Restoration Project issue


First time out of the vault
I'm new here so bare with me but having an issue with Npc's not shooting in combat.

I have Restoration Project 2.1.2b and Fallout 2 (also Sfall 2.12a)

I used F2se to give me a 200% in small arms and add some equipment like combat armor and a pistol I modified to help me get started and also some armor and a 10mm smg to Sulik and he won't shoot no matter what combat settings I give him.

I've searched the forums but can't seem to find a fix to my problem :cry:

If anyone has a clue to why I'd be very thankful, I know its an old game and might be posting way to late but I like to play it for the nostalgia feeling.
Don't those two clash with eachother? Because it sounds like such kind of issue as when the scripting gets messed up. But I could be wrong, I'm no tech/coding artist.
Searched the web for a possible clash but can't seem to find anything, I guess I'll just have to play it on my lonesome and hope there isn't a quest in the restoration mod where a npc needs to tag along with me, since I'd be doing all the killing :x
Hey, just a control question. Haven't you forget to add some ammo to Sulik, by any chance? Anyway, such a nasty cheat! :violent:
No he had the right 10mm ammo :wink: but found the problem, seems when I give him some armor I added using F2se he doesn't attack, but when I bought some armor for him he attacks.

I've completed the game many times and only recently added the restoration mod and started a new game, wanted to get a head start and do some of the new quests, didn't create a god like character just boosted the small arms and gave him a pistol and combat armor.....maybe its cheating, but I've played it fair many times before :P

Thanks on the replies though guys! off to play some Fallout 2 :D
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you should only install the RP, without any other patches, and without sfall (RP has its own version of sfall bundled), unless you really know what you're doing.
I reinstalled Fallout 2 and then installed F2se along with the Restoration Project mod and nothing else....but its all working okay now :)