Fallout 2 Restoration Project ver. 2.1.2b - spolszczenie

Kaszanka xD

First time out of the vault
Ze względu na to, że od czasów wersji 1.1 ww. MOD'a, nie dostaliśmy żadnego spolszczenia, postanowiłem zebrać ekipę i przetłumaczyć jego najnowszą wersję . Pracy nie ma super dużo, gdyż tłumaczenie z 1.1 częściowo pokrywa się z najnowszą wersją, więc... wystarczy odrobina chęci i wolnego czasu... Chętni niech piszą ;).

Kaszanka xD (szef projektu)

I draw only in Polish, beacouse I need people from Poland ^^. If someone is rasp, I apologize ;).
Please, speak english at this forum. Even if someone from Poland can help you, information in this topic (as much as any other) must be open for all, not only for polish-speaking people.
you smell wrong Puokki :) thats just chit-chat about Polish translation.. nothing more, nothing less..
If I were doing a Polish translation of the RP, I'd go with translating the whole game once again. IIRC, the original translation was pretty terrible.
The RP 1.x series was already translated into Polish. I still need to get in contact with those translators and get the 2.x series done as well.
killap said:
The RP 1.x series was already translated into Polish. I still need to get in contact with those translators and get the 2.x series done as well.

I know. I was saying that the original Fallout 2 game was translated pretty badly into Polish. I can't say anything about the RP 1.x, because I haven't seen it (the translation).
Kaszanka xD there is "Polish News Comments" were we could use Polish without a fuzz. Last Polish translations was with RP 1.2 as an option in installer and it's more up to date.
But you have to know there is not only new files, also many old ones was changed. Despite that I was keeping them translated and up to date, till January 2010 there is over 150 files to translated or update for me today. And many more for you if you start from 1.1 so keep it in mind.
Well good luck.

When my translations will be ready I don't now, yet.

Update 02 19, 2011:
Polish translation is ready and available on page below.

Polskie tłumaczenie dodatku dostępne jest tutaj:
