fallout 2 running program error


First time out of the vault
i've installed fallout 2 through a proper cd non copied or burned on a humoungous installation and i cant seem to run it some how,i try to open up the game and it gives me this error message


thats the problem i have the cd in the drive :x
and it is the right cd aswell

i only got it today ......and im also using xp and i know all about the capibility and i currently have fallout 1 on my computer working fine ......ive checked loads of forums and i cant seem to find my problem else where......thanx for the help ....
try this http://spacetarget.com/games/pc_fallout_2.shtml

next time you got tech issues maybe post on the "Fallout RPG Gameplay and Tech discussion"-forum

you also might wanna check it anyway (as your problem could probably be fixed too without a crack). just check the install issues thread.

sorry for not using the right area i dont know my way around this site as im new but...thanx for that advice ;)
Look in the config file for the path and make sure the paths point to where the data really is. Look at where they point, and if the files aren't where they point to, find where the files actually are are and change the config file to match accordingly.